Based in Cambridge in the UK, Paper Shipwright has been publishing high-quality paper/card models since 1999. Paper Shipwright is the trading name of David Hathaway.
The range of models published reflects the market niche initially identified – namely smaller Victorian-era warships – but has since expanded to include modern vessels as well as civilian subjects and buildings with a maritime theme.
A partnership formed in 2006 with Trinity House has resulted in the launch of a range of models featuring English and Welsh lighthouses. Working around the coast (both clock-wise and anti-clockwise) from a starting point in East Anglia, it is hoped to release a number of models each year – and with nearly 70 lighthouse to create models of, this is not a short-term project.
Each model’s subject is exhaustively researched and designed based on original drawings and sources wherever possible. All the models include a history of the vessel, English instructional text and full assembly diagrams.
While some models are free and can be downloaded at no charge, others must be bought and all purchased models are only available as printed copies. The majority of the models published have been designed by David Hathaway and they are printed in small batches on a photo-quality inkjet printer that uses light-fast and waterproof pigment inks.