Sjotorp Lighthouse


Sweden, 1911



The small timber lighthouse at Sjotorp on on the edge of Lake Vanern marks the entrance to the Gota canal.

Opened in 1832 to complete an inland route between Gothenberg and Stockholm (avoiding the Danish-controlled Oresund), the Gota canal stretches from Lake Vanern to Mem on the Baltic coast. The canal includes 87km of man-made waterway in it’s total length of 190km. It was largely built using manual labour supplied by the Swedish Army. The consulting engineer on the project was the Englishman Thomas Telford.

The small lighthouse at the side of the canal entrance lock in Sjotorp is made of timber and holds a small leading light. The front leading light is mounted on the harbour breakwater.

Technical Details

Location Position Height Built Character
Sjotorp harbour Lake Vanern, Sweden 5.5m 1911 white, fixed

Model Details

Scale Height Pieces Sheets Difficulty (1-5)
1:250 3cm 10 1 x A4 3??[Moderate]

Model Preview