Trinity Buoy Wharf Lighthouse


London, UK, 1866



London’s only lighthouse was designed by James Douglass and built at Trinity House’s Bow Creek depot in 1866. Properly referred to as the Experimental Lighthouse, it was never intended to be used operationally – but rather was used to test new lighting technologies and to train new lighthouse keepers.

The tower was built beside the Chain and Buoy Store, built in 1864, and replaced an earlier experimental lighthouse. The new tower was used by Michael Faraday for his work investigating electric lights as a possible light source.

Trinity House closed the depot in 1988 and the site is now run by Urban Space Management under the name Trinity Buoy Wharf. It provides studio space for artists, flats and other spaces.

Technical Details

Location Position Height Built Character
London, UK Bow Creek, London 17.5m 1866 Unlit

Model Details

Scale Height Pieces Sheets Difficulty (1-5)
1:250 7cm 60 3 x A4 3??[Moderate]

Model Preview